Thermal hysteresis of microwave loss in (La 1-xPr x) 0.7Ca 0.3MnO 3 films

Sangeeta Kale, S. E. Lofland, S. M. Bhagat, H. Garcia-Miquel, S. B. Ogale, S. R. Shinde, T. Venkatesan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


We have measured the temperature (T) dependencies of the dc resistances (R dc) and the microwave loss (R μw) in a variety of samples of (La 1-xPr x) 0.7Ca 0.3 MnO 3 while varying x from 0 to 0.4. Whereas both the sets of data exhibit maxima, the ac loss peak is much flatter and, during cooling, appears at a much lower temperature than the peak temperature in R dc. The discrepancy, which vanishes for x=0, increases with lowering tolerance factor (t) (or increasing x). Also R μw vs T exhibits large thermal hysteresis for x=0.4 indicating that the transition is first order. Cooling in a magnetic field of 9 kOe causes an upward shift of about 20 K in the R μw peak, in some of the x=0.4 films, yielding a large magnetoimpedance. Further, once these films are exposed to a magnetic field at low T, they fail to recover their virginal behavior on subsequent cooling from room T. These films could be brought to their original state by annealing at high T. The discrepancy between R dc and R μw implies that the system is inhomogeneous at low T, providing, for the first time, microwave absorption evidence that manganites exhibit multiphase behavior. Presumably, disorder and strain (increasing with x) combine to stabilize a mixed phase.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)7736-7738
Number of pages3
JournalJournal of Applied Physics
Issue number10 I
StatePublished - May 15 2002
Externally publishedYes

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Physics and Astronomy


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