Multi-scale investigation on dynamic characteristics of clayey soil evaporation and cracking

Hao Zeng, Chao Sheng Tang, Alessandro Fraccica, Cheng Zhu, Ben gang Tian, Bin Shi

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2 Scopus citations


Up to now, the correlation between soil evaporation and cracking within a multi-scale perspective remains unclear so far. For this purpose, X-ray computed tomography was used to dynamically capture the 3D cracking process of a compacted clayey soil with evaporation. The proposed image processing methods combining CT image segmentation and digital image correlation (DIC) allowed multi-scale quantitative analysis of the temporal evolution of soil water distribution, regional deformation and crack network upon evaporation. Different mechanisms are defined to explain the development of regional crack networks. Evaporation-mobilised tensile stress leads to cracking in the top part of the soil, with a single-peaked change along drying time in the cracking rate. A similar variation appears in the cracking process of the bottom soil, attributed to the basal friction activated by soil desiccation shrinkage. Besides, the cracking rate of this region is nearly independent of the regional evaporation. As for the middle part of the soil, a double-peaked pattern dominates the cracking rate, as the curling contributes to the formation of new inner cracks and the bottom soil cracks propagate upwards. Furthermore, desiccation cracks developing to a certain extent facilitate the water loss of neighbouring soil bodies, whereas this phenomenon is difficult to present over the whole soil scale. The current outcomes are expected to advance insights into the spatial–temporal cracking mechanism of soils under evaporation.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number106312
JournalComputers and Geotechnics
StatePublished - Jul 2024
Externally publishedYes

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
  • Computer Science Applications


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